The President’s Enumerated Powers, Rulemaking by Executive Agencies, & Executive Orders.

Understanding the Constitution, our history and what is wrong in our government today is critical to our survival.

Publius-Huldah's Blog

By Publius Huldah.

On election night, November 2, 2010, Rep. John Boehner said in his victory speech:

“…While our new majority will serve as your voice in the people’s House, we must remember it is the president who sets the agenda for our government. …” [emphasis added]

Next morning, Ezra Klein commented in the Cult of the President lives on:

“I’d like Boehner to show us where in the Constitution it says that the president sets the agenda for the government.”

But Boehner is not as astute as Ezra Klein, and does not know that it is our Constitution which sets the “agenda” for the federal government.  The agenda the Constitution sets restricts the federal government to war, international relations & commerce; and domestically, the establishment of an uniform commercial system: a monetary system based on gold & silver, weights & measures, patents & copyrights, a bankruptcy…

View original post 3,815 more words

Common Core Lies: Enron Revisited

Common Core Fiction

Common Core Fiction

I caught an article last night called “Opening School Data Carries Economic Value, Report Contends” on Education Week, addressing the “ubiquitous flow of data across education has caused anxiety among parents and privacy advocates, who fear that information about students will be released or shared with outside entities without permission.”

America has already proven too smart for the games that Arne and the corporate goons are playing, for, while they try to convince us otherwise, we already know that our fears are not unfounded. Private data gathered via Common Core data mining will be shared without our permission-that’s why they secretly changed FERPA, so that they can.

The article, published in a Bill Gates publication, by the way, proudly boasts of a “new report” that demonstrates that the data mining could “unlock significant economic value by applying advanced analytics to both open and proprietary knowledge.”  If you are able to weed through the jargon, what it boils down to is that they are still trying to convince Americans that the data will be used to “help” us, and that it will enable gaps to be identified and filled, and that everyone will live happily ever after.

There’s just one problem.  It’s not true. It’s more Common Core dishonesty.

The data that Common Core wants to gather has nothing to do with the economic benefit of this country.  Common Core is about  elitist profit and control, and the name of the game is lies and manipulation.

I want to take us back to the creator of the “new report,” McKinsey & Company. McKinsey and Company has a track record of falsifying data to the benefit if its clients. Remember the Enron scandal?  McKinsey and Company built Enron into a mega-corporation–of liars and thieves, and they tried to help them cover their tracks.  Duff McDonald just came out with a new book about McKinsey and Company called “The Firm,” that exposes the nastiness of the McKinsey mob. They are known for falsifying data. Lou Dobbs of Fox Business News says that he cannot find a single example of McKisney’s ability to add value. Neither can I.

When you have some spare time, here is an interesting article about McKinsey and Company’s take on data collection and profits called “How Soon Will Big Data Yield Big Profits?” The title pretty much says it all.

Oh, by the way, David Coleman is an alumnus of McKinsey and Company, and is still affiliated with them. No conflict of interest there…

And now Arne and the corporate goons are relying on them to provide reliable information to sell Common Core?

I want to point out also, that there is extensive evidence that refutes the claim in the “new report.” Christopher Tienken, assistant professor of Education Administration at Seton Hall University, wrote a number of reports based on extensive

Common Core Full of Lies

Common Core Full of Lies

research and compelling evidence that refutes the claim that data mining is necessary to improve “global competitiveness.” In fact, we are already globally competitive.  Tienken sums this up nicely in his editorial “Common Core State Standards: An Example of Data-less Decision Making“:

The U.S. already has one of the
highest percentages of people with high school
diplomas and college degrees compared to any
other country and we had the greatest number
of 15 year-old students in the world score at the
highest levels on the 2006 PISA science test
(OECD, 2008; OECD, 2009; United Nations,

We produce more researchers and
scientists and qualified engineers than our
economy can employ, have even more in the
pipeline, and we are one of the most
economically competitive nations on the globe
(Gereffi & Wadhwa, 2005; Lowell, et al., 2009;
Council on Competitiveness, 2007; World
Economic Forum, 2010).

The economic impact that Common Core and its data mining is having is foisting economic burden onto states. $300 million has already been spent on implementing the new assessments, and the cost of implementing Common Core standards themselves will exceed $15 billion.

Fake data, fake report, written to fake us out.

We’re smarter than that.

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Common Core Rebrand?

mad mom 2Ok, I’ve been rather vocal about the underhanded double-talk and lies that Arne and the corporate goons (sounds like a new band–a band that sucks) are using to sell Common Core, but this one really takes the cake.

Talk now is of changing the name, or “rebranding” as Governor Rick Scott in Florida referred to it. Arizona did it–Common  Core’s new name tag is the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.  Arkansas is talking about it as well. After all, Common Core has gotten a bad rap and there are “misconceptions” about it,  causing people to reject it when they should be embracing it.

Really?! THAT’S what state leadership is spending taxpayer dollars to accomplish? THAT’S the big concern? Creating MORE deception?

You rebrand a product. You don’t rebrand an educational “reform” effort that seriously damages children and education.

You don’t rebrand something that is being used to divide this country and tighten the federal noose around our necks.

You don’t rebrand something that causes so much stress children are physically ill because of it.

You don’t rebrand something that began in the shadows and is now a soup of lies being dumped on the children and educators of this nation while a few elite are counting their money all the way to the bank…and laughing.

You refuse it, you change it, you reject it, but you DON’T rebrand it.

Changing the name perpetuates the deception Common Core is infested with, and undermines the intelligence of the parents,

Know the facts about Common Core!

Know the facts about Common Core!

children and educators in America.  It’s shallow,evil and it ticks me off.

I really  hope you guys are paying attention, because Arne and the corporate goons think we all are stupid.

Are you willing to sit by and watch this happen?

I’m not. I hope you’ll join me in the battle, because it’s a fight well worth fighting.

Common Core Stress: Children are Physically Ill

Common Core Discouragement

Common Core Discouragement

When I read articles discussing the fact that educators are concerned about children “peeing and vomiting” due to stress in school, I get very upset.  I get upset because these are the kinds of symptoms that are red flags for bullying, or other notably unhealthy situations going on in a child’s life that caring adults need to intervene in immediately. I get really upset because the typical causes are not at play here: the problem is school itself.  No, it’s not the schools’ fault, for schools have been put in the same difficult position that parents and students are.  Children, however, are paying the biggest price.

I just read an article this evening, the most recent of a string, that has be highly concerned. Here is one comment from a principal in New York from that article: We know that many children cried during or after testing, and others vomited or lost control of their bowels or bladders. Others simply gave up. One teacher reported that a student kept banging his head on the desk, and wrote, ‘This is too hard,’ and ‘I can’t do this,’ throughout his test booklet.

Other parents are reporting refusals to go to school, acting out, as well as chronic stomach aches, headaches, and other stress-relates symptoms. I challenge any misguided soul to respond with “They just want attention,” because, yes, they do want attention, much like a drowning person wants attention.

This is not just a bad day at school. This is an ongoing exposure to high amounts of stress that causes permanent damage to children’s brains. The stress hormone cortisol kills brain cells and disrupts the development of young brains. The National

Common Core Stresses Kids

Common Core Stresses Kids

Scientific Council on the Developing Child notes: Frequent or sustained activation of brain systems that respond to stress can lead to heightened vulnerability to a range of behavioral and physiological disorders over a lifetime.

Common Core asks young children to do things their little brains are not capable of doing. Much of the “critical thinking” and “rigor” that Common Core brings to the table draws upon the prefrontal cortex, and this area of the brain is not well-developed in young children, yet they are being forced to try to use it in ways they simply are not able.  Young children are frustrated and, because they do not have the understanding of what is taking place in education, often blame themselves. They think they are simply “dumb,” that there is something wrong with them.  The problem is not the children.

The problem is the creators of the Common Core Standards, and the fact the federal government is forcing it on our schools.  The problem is the fact that nothing about Common Core is evidence-based, and they are NOT internationally benchmarked, as one of their many dishonest selling points claims. The problem is the fact that money takes precedence over the well-being of children. The problem is that the standardized testing dictates the curriculum. The problem is that elitists who care nothing for us or our children have an agenda that is being forced upon this country. And the problem is that our children are the most vulnerable.

Ponder this for a moment: if these same children were having these same symptoms because of stress at home, what do you think would happen? Parents would be slapped with a child abuse charge in a heart beat.  But it’s ok if something else is causing the stress?  I don’t think so.

Now think about this: What happens when there is excessive stress at school and at home?

Students need our help!

Students need our help!

It’s not just younger students either.  Students in middle school and high school are suffering from the effects of unhealthy and sustained stress as well. Cases of self-mutilation have increased, as have anxiety-related diagnosis and depression.  The reasons are evident when students make comments such as “I just can’t handle the pressure” or “It’s too much.” Students are suddenly being made to feel like they aren’t good enough, all because of a score on a test that is proven ineffective and unnecessary. How do you think that will impact the use of drugs for our youth? Many self-medicate as it is, Common Core isn’t going to help.

Stress to some degree is normal, and children have their own brand as part of growing up.  When you factor in disabilities, poverty, social issues, unhealthy homes, children with deployed or absent parents…you get the picture. Now give it a good coating of Common Core. What do you get? Devastation.

I refused (opted out) to have my daughter subjected to standardized testing any longer. In doing so, school became school again for her, and she is learning, in fact excelling in some areas, just fine. With no standardized tests looming on the horizon, and mom celebrating and supporting her daily steps in her own education, she knows that the only thing that matters is that she does her best, one day at a time. That’s more than good enough for me. Nothing else matters.

We can stop Common Core!

We can stop Common Core!

That Parent

Another beautiful post about the heart of a parent, and the parent who fights for what is right.

Schools of Thought Hudson Valley, NY


Advocating in a small school district  presents a challenge on many fronts. Sometimes, its hard to rally other parents so that your cause has enough strength and/or support that will actually make a change.

You may feel like your voice is drowned out by the chatter of nothingness.

You may  feel powerless or that your efforts are fruitless.

You may question why bother doing this at all.

You may feel alone but, I assure you, that you are not.

Some parents are quick to complain but slow to take action.

Others are simply too scared to step up lest they be singled out and ostracized by their peers.

Many parents support you secretly but are afraid to show it in school because they fear backlash from unscrupulous officials or that their friends wont approve.

Many parents worry that they wil be labelled or known as “that parent” which is apparently…

View original post 991 more words

Common Core: “State Led?”, think again

I wanted to share this post because it has a really good run-down of some of the dirty little fingers in Common Core.

Bradley County News Network

Common Core: “State Led?”, think again

Think the Common Core State Standards are State led? 

Many have led you to believe that the Common Core standards were born from the states. 

The states had very little choice but to implement them, not create them.

They were left with no choice but to accept hundreds of millions of dollars to reform education.

The push from the top down forced the states to adopt the standards that were created using many layers of influence around the world.

From Marc Tucker, ALEC, UNESCO, to BIll Gates and the United Nations, etc, this has never been nothing but a huge plan put into motion many years ago to radically reform our educational system thus controlling the future generations minds and shaping the future. Thus birthing the next generation of little Socialists and Marxist hell bent on morphing our world into a one government, one…

View original post 1,705 more words

Common Core: Where’s the Common Sense?

Students in non-core home economics class. Stop Common Core!

Students in non-core home economics class. Stop Common Core!

The Common Core Standards preach this:

The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.”

I love the way this reads (except for the global part). I want this for my child.  Unfortunately, the geniuses who wrote this have no clue how to make it happen. We do.

I was just conversing with someone on Facebook who commented that she saw more value in a student learning to weld than all of the money wasted on standardized testing, setting up data systems and buying new curricula ever two to three years.  I realized that it’s been years since I’ve heard anyone talk about taking a home economics or shop class.

Remember those days?  Kids in my high school often took one of these classes as an elective because it would be easy, when, in fact, I think they gained more than in many other “core” subject classes.

Common Core wants children learning skills that are relevant and can be applied to real-world situations. They also profess to want children to be better prepared for college and/or careers.

Then why does school reform like Common Core keep crowding out opportunities for active learning?

Take home economics, for instance.  A home economics class will probably incorporate cooking, sewing, child care, basic home repairs and improvement, house keeping topics, budgeting and smart shopping, planning menus that have healthy food choices, and running a household (which is a whole set of skills on its own).  As I am thinking about this, I see every math skill my fourth-grader is expected to have mastered by the high school represented here, as well as researching, reading, writing, presenting, critical thinking, logic and creativity.  At a minimum. What’s more, learning these skills doing something creative and fun will stick with students much better than learning the same exact skills sitting in a regular classroom.

A shop class offers the same value. Think of it in today’s terms. Again, just like in home economics (that some boys are awesome in, by they way), I see math, researching, reading, writing, planning, critical thinking, presenting, logic and creativity.

Our students should be able to choose.

High school students in non-core shop class. Stop Common Core!

High school students in non-core shop class. Stop Common Core!

Technology is now an integral part of both arenas.  Think of drafting a set of plans to build an office desk or kitchen cabinets. It might be worthwhile to teach the traditional way as well as have them learn to do so with software as well.  They could start a blog with regular posts, photographs and all.  Another great skill set.

Do you remember the first cake you baked in home ec? It doesn’t matter if it turned well or not–you did it, and chances are, you were proud.  What about the gun rack (I grew up in the South) made in shop class? I know that rocked! The confidence a student gains during a learning experience like this overflows into other areas of life.

As much as one might argue that these are all skills that parents should teach their children, the reality is many don’t. I worked as a case manager for a while, helping people who had never learned things that we did and take for granted. Quite frankly, some parents don’t bother, some families are struggling to make ends meet and there is  no time, and some parents simply don’t know how.

I’ll tell you something else about this kind of active teaching.  Teachers connect with students differently than in a traditional classroom. That connection piece alone is a prominent factor in drop-out prevention.

Common Core pundits want students “college and career ready.”  So do we.  We just know how to do it right.

Stop Common Core.



Protect the Fight to Stop Common Core

1455108_4946256993576_575780415_nHave you heard about National Don’t Send Your Child to School Day?

I am a warrior mom fighting Common Core and willing to make a statement about the initiative.  I was on board with this effort for a while, but started having second thoughts for several reasons.

About a week ago I engaged in a discussion about possible repercussions to pulling kids out of school to make a political statement. I struggled with it for a while.  I agree that it will definitely make a statement, and statements are definitely needed; however, as someone who is starting to gain credibility in my own school district, and as someone who has seen firsthand some successes in fighting Common Core in Colorado, I am becoming increasingly conscientious of what I say and how I fight.

It is my sense that I will be viewed as irresponsible if I do pull my daughter out, and I agree with Shane Vander Hardt’s latest post in Truth in American Education “Fight Common Core and Send Your Kids to School.” Proponents of Common Core like Michael Petrilli are going to attempt to capitalize on painting those opposed to Common Core as impulsive extremists who have no sense.

Contrary to Petrilli’s statement that in his experience some of the most vocal Common Core opponents do not have their children in public schools, Common Core is being fought across the country by parents and educators, like you and me, who don’t have an extreme bone in their bodies.  Good sense, sound research and evidence, as well as disciplined responses has been a hallmark of the fight against Common Core, and we should strive to keep it that way.

There are many actions that we can take to fight the standards, and opting out of the standardized assessments is a more effective and protected choice. State-specific information and resources are available at United Opt Out National’s website. In addition, Congressmen are beginning to respond, and the foundation of support is growing.

We all have a responsibility to not damage the fight.