Common Core: Indiana Blazed the Trail

cc problsI caught Mike Pence, governor of Indiana, on FOX News this morning.  Indiana, the first state to completely, and rightfully so, to dump Common Core, has set the example for the rest of the nation to follow.

While Governor Pence was only given a few minutes on air, he highlighted the fact that Indiana wrote their own standards, written for teachers and by teachers for the benefit of the students. No lies and no coercion was necessary for them to be adopted, because the standards were written by the right people, for the right reasons, with no hidden agendas.

Indiana refused to allow federal dollars pressure them into adopting destructive education policy. They could not be bought.

Indiana will thrive. Excellent education does not need more money thrown at it to exist…teachers just need to be able to teach.

Education as it should be.

Which state will be next to walk down the trail that Indiana blazed for us?



Indiana Common Core Replaced with State Standards


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